togog: Silva H. Ladewig




Phone: +49 (0) 335 5534 2736
Fax: +49 (0) 335 5534 2739

Audimax, Logenstrasse 2, Room 121

European University Viadrina
Department of Social and Cultural Sciences
VW-Project “Towards a Grammar of Gesture”
Grosse Scharrnstrasse 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)


Subprojects P1, P4



Silva H. Ladewig:

Silva H. Ladewig, study of linguistics and anglistics at the Free University of Berlin. Member of the FU Gesture Project since 2002. Master Thesis in 2006: Die Kurbelgeste – konventionalisierte Markierung einer kommunikativen Aktivität (The crank gesture – a way of marking a communicative activity). PhD studies at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/ Oder). Research Assistant in the interdisciplinary project Towards a grammar of gesture: evolution, brain, and linguistic structures; in support of the sub-projects Gestural modes of representation in human and nonhuman primates and Structures of meaning and reference.

Organization of the BGC colloquium 2007-2009 (Berlin Gesture Center).

Research interests: form-based analysis of co-speech gestures, multimodal grammar, semiotics of gestures, Cognitive Linguistics.

Dissertation project: "It has a certain [gesture]" – Syntactic and semantic integration of gestures into speech (preliminary title).


See for more information.